Better Workflow & Efficiency for Your Hospital or Clinic
Improve Patient Experience and Satisfaction with Emergency Department & Urgent Care Solutions
Who We Are
PulseCheck has been helping customers improve their clinical and business operations since 1998.
We understand the challenges involved with patient care, risk, workflow, and billing. PulseCheck was established to help clinicians provide better medical care to their patients. Partner with us to deliver the best possible care to your patients, while we deliver solutions to manage your business or practice.
PulseCheck was established to help clinicians provide better medical care to their patients.

A solution designed by and for emergency department care givers.
Systems should help—not hurt—your ability to care for patients. Our fully integrated system helps providers manage their workflows and improve operations for happier patients and better processes.

Save more lives with better point of care decision support & data
Our RevitalPro code blue mobile cardiac arrest documentation solution helps your team navigate the complexity of cardiac arrest events. We accomplish this through fully electronic, HIPAA compliant documentation and instantly accessible patient and quality improvement reports.
Our Industry Partners and Alliances
Our partners are some of the most trusted companies in the business.
We partner with the best All Appropriate Content, Interoperability and Technology vendors available to deliver the optimal experience and flexibility for our customers.

Some applications are too important to fail. They support our healthcare systems, businesses, and governments. Health. Prosperity. Society. These are things that matter. What InterSystems’ clients strive to enable every day. And what InterSystems’ software helps make possible.

PulseCheck partners directly with FDB to incorporate the allergy and medication modules OrderKnowledge and MedKnowledge to provide end to end medication management of allergies, drug ordering and prescribing.

Callibra’s Discharge 1-2-3 provides document libraries and software that make it fast and easy for clinicians to create custom discharge instructions and patient education in multiple languages.

For PulseCheck customers who use Cerner applications throughout the hospital and its specialties, PulseCheck can natively support the Cerner Multum/VantageRx drug DB concepts.

DrFirst pioneers software solutions and services that provide real-time access to patient data, improve communication and collaboration at the point of care and across the patient’s circle of caregivers, and enhance the doctor’s clinical view of the patient to help drive better health outcomes.

Elsevier’s Patient Engagement solutions and technology engage, educate and empower patients by giving them quick access to the same evidence-based information you trust, but delivered in interactive and patient-friendly ways.

Iatric Systems enables success by delivering healthcare technology solutions that enhance existing investments.They bring together healthcare experience, products, services, and partners to deliver solutions that enhance existing investments in healthcare IT.

MediSpan drug DB objects and concepts are used in the clinical modules at all Harris QuadraMed installations – a sister product to ED PulseCheck.

In addition to offering over 240 online education courses spanning the spectrum of healthcare, the RSQ® Solutions platform delivers meaningful clinical analytics that reveal variability in clinical practice, documentation compliance, and utilization patterns.

Design Extensions is a full-service digital agency in St. Augustine that helps businesses succeed through quality websites, marketing branding and development.

Format Health is a digital health company that provides mobile charting solutions for frontline healthcare workers. Their flagship product RevivePro is a tablet based SaaS that enables nurses to rapidly document comprehensive data during in-hospital cardiac arrests (Code Blue).

CareSelect enables high-value care through EHR integrations that deliver clinical standards with advanced analytics to eliminate waste and control costs.

Doctor Genius is the engine that drives profits. They offer high-end web marketing services to medical & health professionals throughout the United States.